~*AbOuT mE*~ | **((-To My BaBy BoY-))** | ((ShOuT oUt To ThE fElLaZ)) | ~*CuTe QuOtEz -N- dOlLz*~ | ~*LaDiEz MaKe SuRe Ur MaN dOeS tHiS!*~ | {{ShOuT oUtS tO tHe LaDiEs}} | *:.:*JuSt SoMe PiCs Of Me *eN* My BaBy Or FrIeNdZ*:.:* | ~*^FaVoRiTe PlAcEs To Go*^~ | *..*!HoLlA aT mE!*..*
~.:*!HoTtEsT eVa!! PeEp ThIs ShIt OuT!*:.~


I think about you day and night...
I swear that your Mr. Right,
I'll love you more then you'll ever know..
Baby, thats why I'll never letting ya go!!
  ~*Just Letting Everyone Out There Know That I Am Completly In Love With Joseph George Juzwiak! And Nothing Will Ever Change That..He Has My Heart And Always Will...No One Else Can Ever Take His Spot Let Alone The Love And Feelings I Have For Him*~
  *You mean the world to me Joey and you will always be mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
How do you know if he's your soulmate?....
You'll just know...


What's New?
~NoT mUcH dOnE tO tHiS yEt~StIlL tRyIn My BeSt To MaKe It FiT uR StYlE~




~*If YoU KnOw AnYtHiNg ElSe ThAt WoUlD lOoK gOoD mAkE sUrE yOu Let Me Kno AnD gIvE mE sUgGeStIoNs THaT'lL mAkE mY SiTe HoTtA!*~

<CENTER><font-size:"13px">Angel<BR><a href="http://leonakakepetum.myknet.org/musiccodes"><img src="
size=1>leoKAKIES music codes<BGSOUND balance=0 loop=infinite src="http://leonakakepetum.myknet.org/music/Amandaangel.wma" volume=10 autostart="true"></font></a>